
For sustainability conscious hardware vendors looking to supplement their service proposition with sustainable global technology services, Nebula’s managed & professional services are the choice for you.


Accessing an extensive network of 7,400 technical experts across the globe, Nebula delivers comprehensive XLA-driven service outcomes throughout the vendors partner ecosystem.

Contrary to other channel service partners such as TPM’s (Third-Party Maintainers), Nebula’s services are supplementary to existing vendor support products.

Working in harmony with the vendor, Nebula looks to enhance their service proposition through service upgrades, geographic expansion, or adopting multi-vendor legacy estates in order to move the end client over to the vendors product suite when the time is right. This may be a simple product refresh or aligning with specific sustainability goals in terms of extending product lifecycles.

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Market Insight

The global supply chain carbon footprint is substantial. Eight global supply chains (including the electronics industry) account for more than 50% of annual greenhouse gas emissions. Only a small proportion of these emissions are produced during final manufacturing. Most are embedded in the supply chain—in base mined materials, and the freight transport needed to move goods around the world. As a key differentiator, Technology vendors need to do what they can to support a circular economy and influence the reduction of carbon in the manufacturing of products, associated logistics costs and the mining of precious metals that tech products rely so heavily on.

Supply Chains as a Game-Changer in the Fight Against Climate Change | BCG

Vendor-aligned Service

Sustainable value chain

XLA driven outcomes

Services in 160+ countries

7,400+ tech experts

SDG aligned

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